Sunday, December 28, 2008

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Sanitization

It is common knowledge since long that ultraviolet light can decompose organic molecules but only a few decades ago science explored into cleaning surfaces using UV rays. Experiments conducted in early 1970’s, proved UV light a great surface cleaner. Scientists learned through research and experimentation that the combination of ozone and UV could clean surfaces up to two thousand times faster as compared to one or the other alone.

Most house holds use UV lamps to drive away insects and kill micro-organisms. These are called germicidal lamps. Modern day buildings and offices use UV radiation in the C band for a wide array of germicidal applications to eradicate bacteria, yeast, mold, and viruses.

UV light treatments are typically used in pharmaceuticals, hospitals, beverage production, meat storage and processing plants, bakeries, breweries, animal laboratories. UV light can be used anywhere where microbial contamination is a major concern. As a treatment these are used in the upper air where a beam running across the ceiling keeps the indoor air quality free of microbial contamination.

If your employees or building occupants have concerns about the indoor air quality or have increased illnesses as colds, flu, asthma, weakness, burning eyes, itching skin, rashes, sore throats, allergies, lethargy, or headaches, then you should put an IAQ evaluation of the building on top of your list.

Get your building and the HVAC system inspected. Look for bacteria affecting your workers, colleagues or fellow residents. Your living and working spaces need inspection for mycotoxins and endotoxins.

Look up - Indoor Air Quality Experts. JNB can investigate, test and remedy IAQ related concerns and problems.

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